The Black Country Training Hub is dedicated to making local primary care a great place to work, supporting clinicians, practices and the wider system.

Our aim is to provide a primary care workforce, now and in the future, that ensures people receive safe, sustainable and high-quality care. This will require us to be bolder and braver than ever before about how our workforce is shaped and provided. We want the Black Country to be a great place to work, and to support individuals to grow into new and exciting roles.

We see workforce transformation as a core element of the change needed within primary care to meet growing demands. Our schemes are continuously being improved, with additional schemes being introduced on a regular basis to suit both clinical and non-clinical staff at all stages of their career.

Find out more, contact the team at

Dr Preanka Chandan, Primary Care Workforce Clinical Lead

Prea Chandan (2).jpgAs healthcare professionals, we thrive as life-long learners; so, you will be delighted to know that your Training Hub team are working hard to continually deliver opportunities to support you with this endeavour. In this brochure you will find key information for all the training, development and support schemes that you can apply for. We also welcome any ideas you may have for additional offers that you feel we could provide and would be happy to answer any queries you have for existing offers.



Liz Corrigan, GPN System Lead

Liz C.jpgAs a Training Hub our aim is to enable all members of the nursing family within general practice to deliver safe, evidence base and effective care through professional development. A whole range of support is available, from HCA and Nursing Associate apprenticeships, to clinical skills programmes, to portfolio careers opportunities and advanced clinical practice. We are also proud to offer a range of networking opportunities for nurses, peer mentorship, clinical supervision and GPN Facilitators. Our goal is to provide a clear strategy and opportunities for nurses working in the area and encourage everyone to have their say in the way that this is done.

Preanka Chandan.JPG Preanka Chandan Primary Care Workforce Clinical Lead
Liz C 2.jpg Liz Corrigan General Practice Nurse System Lead & Primary Care Quality Lead Nurse | Professional Nurse Advocate
PXL_20210819_093121007.MP 2.jpg Alyson Hall Programme Manager: Primary Care Workforce and Training Hub
Paul Aldridge - Training Hub Paul Aldridge Training Hub Business Manager
thumbnail_Laura Sharpe 2.jpg Laura Sharpe Training Hub Project Manager
Mani Badhan 2.jpg Mani Badhan Training Hub Project Manager
Nancy Szilvasi 2.jpg Nancy Szilvasi Training Hub Project Manager
L Thompson photo 2.jpg Lynne Thompson Senior Officer - Practice Placements
Nicole Checkley Project Support Officer
Claire Gallagher-Tinsley Practice Placement Quality Lead
Jenny Francis.jpg Jenny Francis Training Hub Senior Officer